A vibrant community of practitioners, supervisors and trainers

An International Community

The International Association of Relational Transactional Analysis (IARTA) is a vibrant community of practitioners, supervisors, and trainers who are passionate about expanding our understanding of the relational aspects of our work. Whether you see yourself as a trainee, a practitioner, a theoretician, or a researcher – IARTA will offer you the opportunity to engage with kindred spirits, and people who value lifelong learning and are constantly seeking to develop their practice and thinking.

IARTA is affiliated with the European Association of Transactional Analysis (EATA), and registration to EATA can be achieved through us. EATA affiliation is open to anyone who has an interest in Transactional Analysis but is compulsory if you are informal TA training, or are a Transactional Analysis practitioner.

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For people who value lifelong learning

Whether you see yourself as a trainee, a practitioner, a theoretician or a researcher – IARTA will offer you the opportunity to engage with kindred spirits, and people who value lifelong learning and are constantly seeking to develop their practice and thinking.

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Online event - Reach Back and After Burn – The Writing of Transactional Analysis of Schizophrenia: The Naked Self, Zefiro Mellaqua, in conversation with Carole Shadbolt
Saturday 8th Feb 9:30am - 11:30am GMT
The Dialogue of Unconsciouses: Mutuality of Therapeutic Relations and the Uses of the Self in Contemporary Relational Psychotherapies, Dr. Anthony Bass, Ph.D
Sunday 23rd Mar 2pm - 5pm GMT

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