Transactional Analysis of Schizophrenia by Zefiro Mellaqua

Meet the Author of ‘Transactional Analysis of Schizophrenia: The Naked Self’, in a Live Interview with Gianpiero Petriglieri

12th January 2021

You joined us for an interview with the author of ‘Transactional Analysis of Schizophrenia: The Naked Self’. In this book, author Zefiro Mellacqua presents a full assessment of the relevance and value of transactional analysis in understanding, conceptualizing, and treating schizophrenia in contemporary clinical settings. It is published as part of the series Innovations in Transactional Analysis Theory and Practice. The series is edited by William F. Cornell. Onlinevents have generously collaborated with Steff Oates, ITAA Vice President of Research and Innovation to introduce you to this important series of books. In this interview, the series editor William F. Cornell introduces author Zefiro Mellaqua and his interviewer Gianpiero Petriglieri.

Transactional Analysis of Schizophrenia: The Naked Self – Zefiro Mellacqua – (July 2020)

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